Monday, September 22, 2008

Print book The Mystics now available! R rated Excerpt

C.R. Moss is proud to announce the availability of her first print book ~
The Mystics
Four mystics awaken to their powers when faced with a common adversity
The Si’Ludo Sisters trilogy & only found in print: The Redeemer.

The Mystics, a compilation of the Si’Ludo Sisters series and a fourth story only found in the print book, is available now at!
Their power shall set them free

To buy a copy click on this link: The Mystics at
(If the link doesn’t work, go to – books – advanced search. In the author field type in C.R. Moss then click search.)

For more information about the book feel free to visit her website:

Thank you for your readership!

P.S. The third book in the trilogy is available in e-book format. Should you wish to buy an electronic version of the third book of the trilogy – Atonement – you may at:

The encroaching twilight once more drew her focus to the landscape. Above the mountain stars appeared in the dusky thistle colored sky and the quiet voice within her mind recalled the names of the three closest and largest ones—Alco, Miza and Mizu. The innate knowledge informed her that the star Alio, The Signifier, would also grace the sky that night, indicating change was on the way. The bright orb would remind them all that the process had begun. The great planet Si’Ludo would rise. Pwu Ihu, The One, their Messiah, would come. The rift caused by the Great Divide would be healed. All would be as it once was.
A deep pang of longing for all of it to come to pass settled in her core. She put her hand to her mouth and stuck her forefinger’s knuckles between her teeth so as not to cry out. How could she know these things? How come she felt such intense yearning for everything her inner voice, her voice, she realized, had mentioned? She wasn’t a part of this world. She shouldn’t know anything about it!
Behind her, the huge wooden door creaked open and, in the reflection of the window, she watched Hawk-man enter. A toga like outfit adorned his tall, lean body, the white cloth glaringly bright against the dark room and held close to him at the waist by a wide gold belt. Leather boots fit snug along his calves.
Casually he came up behind her, put an arm around her waist and positioned her to face him. With his free hand, he captured her chin in a vice like grip and tilted her head up. The dark beady eyes gazed down at her. A chill streaked down her spine, sending zings of ice along her peripheral nerves.

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